

Rapidly feel better from drinking too much.  Get it the night of the party, or the next day.  Just make sure you get AVYIA’s Hangover therapy to prevent or quickly recover from hangover symptoms.    

Hangover Relief

Hangover Relief

Nausea Relief

Nausea Relief

System Detox

System Detox

AVYIA’s Hangover formula includes anti-nausea, anti-heartburn and anti-inflammatories to rapid treat hangover symptoms.  Hangovers are a result of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies.  The Hangover IV therapy can be infused to help prevent hangovers, not just the morning after.  

Thiamine (B1)| Riboflavin-5’-Phosphate (B2) | Niacinamide (B3) | Dexpanthenol (B5) | Pyridoxine HCL (B6) | Ondansetron | Magnesium CL | Zinc | Manganese | Copper | Ketorolac

Biotin (5mg) 

Glutathione (1000mg) 

Zinc (5mg)

30-45 minutes

Recommended regiment is once after each drinking event.

$299 Single Treatment | On Demand


The best cocktail to have after having one too many cocktails is AVYIA’s Hangover IV therapy.  If you’re experiencing a terrible hangover, food poisoning-related vomiting, or an upset stomach, using AVYIA’s Hangover intravenous drip can provide rapid symptom relief.  

The Hangover intravenous therapy is a blend of vitamins, electrolytes, and saline fluid.  Ondansetron is added for effective nausea and vomiting relief.  Ketorolac is an anti-inflammatory that is great to get rid of headaches from a hangover.  

Benefits Of IV Hangover Therapy

  • Quick relief of headaches
  • Relief of nausea, vomiting, and stomach aches
  • Rapid hydration and rehydration
  • Replenishes lost electrolytes


Vitamin B complex

This includes Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin-5’-Phosphate (B2), Niacinamide (B3), Dexpanthenol (B5), and Pyridoxine HCL (B6).

Vitamin B complex supplement has been scientifically demonstrated to improve anxiety, mental well-being, strength, and cognitive ability. These B vitamins are necessary for your body to break into nutrients and metabolize your food to produce the energy it requires to function and thrive.

Deficiency can express itself in a variety of ways, so keep an eye out for lack of energy, poor focus, anxiety, and depression.

Thiamine (B1)

The first B vitamin that scientists discovered is crucial for all tissues to function properly. Its primary function is to act as a coenzyme in important biochemical reactions. The body needs thiamine to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to transport energy within the cells. B1 is also called an “anti-stress” vitamin because it may help strengthen the immune system. Deficiency of thiamine can affect the function of the nervous system, heart and the brain.

Riboflavin-5’-Phosphate (B2)

Riboflavin help producing energy to the body and works as an antioxidant to help fight free radicals in our body. Free radicals can damage cell functions and DNA, which accelerate the aging process. Deficiency in riboflavin can lead to heart disease and cancer. Riboflavin deficiency symptoms include fatigue, slowed growth, digestive issues, mouth sores, swelling of the tongue and throat.

Niacinamide (B3)

Niacinamide or Niacin for short may help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis, and boost brain function, among other benefits. Another essential function of Niacin is to make sex and stress-related hormones. Niacin can also help improve blood circulation and lower inflammation. If you have a B3 deficiency, then you might encounter issues with indigestion, fatigue, mouth sores, vomiting, poor circulation and even depression.

Dexpanthenol (B5)

Vitamin B5 is called Dexpanthenol or pantothenic acid. It is critical for manufacturing red blood cells as well as sex and stress-related hormones. B5 is also important in helping the body maintaining a healthy digestive tract and synthesize cholesterol. Vitamin B5 deficiency is not common but can cause symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach pains, burning feet, and upper respiratory infections. B5 helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol. It also helps moisturizing the skin and help with wound healing.


Pyridoxine HCL (B6)

Vitamin B6 plays a role in over 100 different enzyme reactions. One of its main functions is to assist the body metabolize proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for energy. It also helps the body to make antibodies to fight viruses, infections and diseases. It helps us maintain a normal nerve function as well as keeping the blood sugar in balance. Last but not least, B6 makes hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the red blood cells.

Ondansetron skeletal


The drug ondansetron is widely utilized in clinical settings to safely and effectively treat nausea and vomiting. Ondansetron is commonly used to treat nausea associated with radiation treatment, chemotherapy, surgery, and anesthesia.

Ondansetron belongs to the group of drugs known as serotonin 5-HT3 receptor blockers. Ondansetron's effect on serotonin is to inhibit excessive re-uptake during states of nausea. Every area of your body is influenced by serotonin, which is mostly found in the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, the neurotransmitter serotonin can activate the area of the brain that controls nausea. Ondansetron may prevent vomiting and nausea by preventing the ejection of serotonin in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.


Free radicals, also called oxygen radicals, are un-charged molecules that cause stress from oxidation in cells. They are a byproduct of normal cell metabolism. Unchecked free radicals can damage cells and lead to inflammation.
Zinc assists with glutathione synthesis, which directly helps neutralize free radicals. Inflammation and the effects of oxidative stress from hangovers can both be treated with zinc. Also, the immune system's function needs zinc to operate properly.


Copper is a trace mineral that is required for healthy nerve and brain activity. Problems with memory and focus might be from a lack of copper. Copper also assists in iron absorption, production of red blood cells, connective tissues health, and various enzyme support.

Magnesium Chloride

The nerves, tissue cells, muscles, skeletal system, and heart all depend on magnesium. Magnesium has several health benefits, including headaches and migraines alleviation, relaxation, and boosting resilience to infections. It has been successfully used as an injectable anti-inflammatory in the treatment of hangovers and other illnesses, such as pre-eclampsia.


Manganese is a coenzyme, typically combined with zinc and magnesium chloride, used to battle dehydration and correct electrolyte imbalances. Manganese helps to restore electrolytes and body vitamins depleted by excessive alcohol intake
Instead of being absorbed through the intestines, where it has a lower bioavailability, IV manganese enters the circulatory system directly. Manganese also aids in the formation of antioxidants that shields cells and DNA from pollutants and free radicals. Manganese has many other assistive properties, including the promotion of healthy nerves, brain, bone, immune system, reproductive system, and wound clotting.